Search Results
DOP 62: Kubernetes Is Dead, Long Live Serverless
LF Live Webinar: Serverless Event Driven Scale for Any Container with KEDA
DOP 89: 2021 - the Year of the Irrelevant
The Quest for the Fastest Deployment Time - L Körbes
INE Live Webinar: Deploying A Containerized Workload Across Multiple Clouds
Bring serverless to Kubernetes with new open source tools by Bret McGowen
IglooConf 2019: Dan Rosanova - Messaging and Serverless - the cloud native future
A tale of two networks - demos and use-cases for inlets tunnels
Burr Sutter - Keynote: Subatomic Java Microservices with Quarkus
From Distributed Tracing to Logs and Back: How Decisiv Troubleshoots Issues
Microservices and Containers: The View from Above
DevDays Europe 23 - Zero to Hero in Kubernetes Native Java